Monday, February 24, 2025

The mountain that I call mine...

     Some things in life are solid and steady. Always present things that ground you. My mountain is one of those things. It sat at the base of our driveway, and for 15 years, I looked at it every single day. At first, I was just in awe, but after time, I began to feel as if this mountain belonged to me.  It felt as if we were in communion with one another. and so I claimed him, and he became mine. My son-in-law climbed him. Perhaps our Grandsons will one day climb him too.

     I was so mesmerized by his grandeur, that I began taking pictures of him almost every day. I stared at him as the morning sun lit his peak, and when the sunset clouds turned orange over his head. I took pictures of him through a field of wild lilacs framed by a old wobbly arch. I saw him change with every season and contemplated his glorious stature every time I walked outside. 

     He's not outside my front door any more, but his imprint is on my heart so deep that he will live with me forever.  So let me introduce you, his name is Tom. Mount Tom. And although these pictures of him are truly beautiful, they will never compare to standing at his feet. So here he is, "My Mount Tom."


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