Friday, December 20, 2024


     Beauty from ashes.
     Only a Father who loves beyond measure can perform a miracle such as this, but my husbands life is the proof of God's redemption promise. 
     At the passing of Paul's Nana, people gathered from California, Texas, Virginia, Utah, and Washington DC to celebrate a life of suffering, sacrifice, laughter and love.
     Hard memories were spoken aloud to children who once were small and now are not. The shelter and protection of God's presence was identified, known and praised in these places beyond our imagining.
     My Paul was one of three brothers. He lost them both, as well as his parents, in a series of tragic deaths. And when our oldest daughter told us the baby in her womb would be another boy, my husband wept.
     As we settled into bed that night, Paul squeezed my hand as his eyes filled with tears. "Do you see what God has done?" It was a moment before he could speak again. "Jude and Reed and Gideon. Three brothers. Just like Charles, and me and David. God is redeeming everything."
     I weep as I write this knowing it is true. We have a Father in Heaven, a God, who takes terrible tragic things and makes them beautiful for his good purpose when we love him. Wow. Redemption indeed!

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