Blisters or not I will trudge up hills and pull thorns from my feet because this road leads to a valley of glory. The babbling brooks will sing in worship and the mountains will bow down. It will take my breath away...
Monday, February 24, 2025
A moment in the life of a girl
Red lips and Ribbons
You're right inside the in-between. Almost there but not quite there. You find yourself tettering the line between being an adolescent girl and wanting to become a woman. I know this because I was you.
Before you were born...
A Dream
I walk down a dirt road aware that I am gloriously happy. I am wrapped in the innate awareness of God's presence which is everywhere. The trees are alive, I can see them growing and stretching their branches up toward heaven as in worship. The clouds dance and dip in the sky and I can almost touch them. I stop and breath deep, and as I take it all in, the wildflowers bloom right in front of my eyes. In the distance, here and there, I'm aware that a few people are scattered about, but there is no communication. Everyone is alone.
Then suddenly, something changes. It's a tangible thing that I can feel it. I stop confused. What is happening, I think, and look around. The birds have stopped singing. The breeze has stopped blowing. The clouds are still. I realize that I don't know where I'm going any more and I become anxious. I begin to walk faster and I realize that I'm carrying something and that it's getting really heavy. I look down, but I can't see what it is. "Put it down!" I hear someone yell. But even as I hear it, I hold on tighter knowing I will not put it down. What am I carrying?
And as I move down the road things continue to change . They are subtle and quiet at first. A shift in the sky, a movement in the meadows, but then colors grow dim, and I can see God's breath leave the trees alongside me and they wither. There brown branches hang toward the ground. The flowers in the fields beside me die, and birds begin to fall dead from the sky. I fill with panic and begin to run. I look around but none of the people I see seem to notice what is happening.
The sky begins to grow so dark that I'm terrified. I cry out, "Jesus! Jesus!" And somehow, inside my dream, I am aware that Paul should be able to hear me. I want him to wake me up. "Jesus!" I scream again.
And then, just as suddenly as God was gone, He was back. Everything that died filled back with life again. I watch as the the trees beside me saturate with color and reach their branches up into the heavens once again. And as I breath deep, my spirit settles inside me as meadows full of flowers blossom with glory. Then a child appears beside me on the road and smiles. I bend down to meet her eyes. "Do I know you?" I ask her. "Not yet," she replies, "But one day you will. And everything is fine now," she tells me. "God is back." I fall to the ground and weep happy tears and it is then that I see what I'm holding. It is my Bible. And it's not the least bit heavy.
And then suddenly I am awake, but the dream is still very vivid. Maybe the most vivid dream I've ever had. I sit up in bed. When Paul rolls over I reach out. "Didn't you hear me screaming?" I asked him. My heart is still racing. "You all right?" he asks me. "Didn't you hear me screaming?" I say again. "I was screaming for Jesus." Sleepily he pats my leg. "Sounds like you had a bad dream?" He tells me. "You want to talk about it?" I take long slow breaths. "Not right now," I answer. "I can't believe you didn't hear me? I wanted you to wake me up." "I'm sorry I didnt hear you." He says sleepily. "You okay?" Paul asks. "Yes." I tell him and lay my head back onto the pillow. "I screamed Jesus's name, and God came back." "That's good honey." Paul said as he snuggled close. "That's really good."
Philippians 2:9-11 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Come back in time with me....and just let me be a Milliner
The mountain that I call mine...
Some things in life are solid and steady. Always present things that ground you. My mountain is one of those things. It sat at the base of our driveway, and for 15 years, I looked at it every single day. At first, I was just in awe, but after time, I began to feel as if this mountain belonged to me. It felt as if we were in communion with one another. and so I claimed him, and he became mine. My son-in-law climbed him. Perhaps our Grandsons will one day climb him too.
I was so mesmerized by his grandeur, that I began taking pictures of him almost every day. I stared at him as the morning sun lit his peak, and when the sunset clouds turned orange over his head. I took pictures of him through a field of wild lilacs framed by a old wobbly arch. I saw him change with every season and contemplated his glorious stature every time I walked outside.
He's not outside my front door any more, but his imprint is on my heart so deep that he will live with me forever. So let me introduce you, his name is Tom. Mount Tom. And although these pictures of him are truly beautiful, they will never compare to standing at his feet. So here he is, "My Mount Tom."
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Oh Eve!
I picture you with your hands in Eden's dirt and sweat on your brow as you stand and lift your face into a breeze with a beautiful smile on your face. I picture the birds swooping around you singing, and I know that you love them. They settle around you and peck out the seeds you are planting, but you smile and let them because in the garden is perfect love. In the garden you walk with God. You walk in the garden with Adam and God and know His Glory. You know it.
So you toil and plant and reap the fruits of your labor because your purpose under heaven is for this hard and good and holy work. The breath of God is innately in your spirit and know its gift. You see and you know.
In your human-ness did you get tired and sore from all the toiling? Was Adam doing his part to help you? Were you exhausted the day the serpent came with his temptation? Or was it all just too intoxicating?
Oh didn't see it coming did you?
But then he was there. That temptingly life changing serpent. Was he beautiful? He must have been, but then wasn't everything glorious in Eden? What made you follow him? What made you listen to his terrible idea? Knowing God, I'm sure he was more than clear about eating the fruit off the tree of knowledge. I'm sure you had everything. What happened to make you open your mouth and bite. And where was Adam?
How soon after the bite did you know what you had done? Was it after you swallowed the precious fruit? I know you must've wanted to take it all back. To spit the fruit out in the face of the snake and say, "No! No! No!"
Oh my beautiful Eve! What a story you've given us.
But I see you once again with your hands in the dirt and sweat on your brow as you stand and put your face into the breeze while birds and Angels swoop and sing. And this most glorious garden is full of students of Eden who watch and learn to toil and plant and reap from the first master gardener. It is full of God and love and eyes that see and spirits that know.
And one day, Eve, I'll walk into your eternal garden. And you wont be surprised because you'll know I'm on my way. And your garden of fragrant sweet peas with nests of baby birds and the purple flowers of artichokes will fill my heart with love. But you already know that.
Beautiful Bones...
The deep bones inside these cabins are groaning to breathe again. Broken, they have been left to linger alone but I visit them often and I hear their whispers. I think they are beautiful and I want to dig them out of the ground and take them home because I don't want them to be finished yet. I believe there should be more.
And there are deep God bones in the trees and fields and mountains and sky of this place that lasso's my heart with a knot so tight I will never escape from the lure of their wile. And so I walk and breath and see...
Wildflowers...sunsets...pastures sprinkled with cows and horses and babies...just give me the babies, Lord. Did you know that certain wood has a crisp golden skin that pops off of it in the Fall?
In this place I know the majesty and glory and truth of God inside the marrow of my own fragile bones and I praise.
I want it. I want the simple life of barbed wire sticks and keep-out gates and trees and cows and mountains and sky. I want my "road home" in all four seasons.
Oh... if only...
A tree, huge with roots and trunk, lay on the ground with years of seasons buried inside. It's battered and broken down by the wind. A giant wonder with a horse-shoe still tangled up in it's roots. And a tree with with white bones stuck them out for me to touch. Until that day I did not know that trees had bones.
Today I pictured Jesus leaning against the giant tree with a smile as my rebellious spirit climbed the fence where the "Keep-out" sign was clearly posted. "Your foot is not really ready for this fence." I felt his words. But I climbed it anyway and I knew He knew I would.
Does the idea of Jesus meeting me in the, "do-not-enter" zones help my confession that I climb the fences and push through the barb wire anyway and do not care?
Just look at the pictures I took of the cabin. Is was worth it, don't you think? The light was amazing. And if you can, look inside the windows where ragged lace curtains hang shredded but loved. Where peeling wallpaper and dusty old broken things are stunning with their story.
when I walk I often think about my childhood. Of toad hopping contests and fireflies in a Miracle Whip jar by my bed. I can hear the sound of our turtles in the cardboard box scratching to get out, our nail polished initials shiny on the back of their shells.
There was a time when glass jars of raw cows milk and fresh eggs, was set on porches by a delivery man wearing a white suit and hat. And while he did, little cowboys and Indian's used sticks for guns and arrows and their mail man walked and waved.
That life, so quiet, so simple, so full of wonder, it simply strips me bare. It's so pure and I want it. But do I?
Would I really be happy in the days of old? Just a simple life in the country with with sky and cow fields with furry babies? Where mountains and sunsets are not just seen on occasion, but sat with every day behind barbed-wire gates made out of logs?
What if I had to chose? Those days or these?
But cattails covered with snow make my breath long and slow and I can not stop the smile that comes. And mountain moons and pop-corn clouds pull my car to the side of the road and when the sky is on fire I can hardly breathe. So I know the beautiful bones of my quiet country roads, deep and rich with the stories of a different life will always have their way with me.
So I straddle this place. I walk the line between new and old knowing the gift and beauty of both. But I will never stop walking my country roads and I will always see the beauty of the bones buried there.
And for the Bible teacher in Texas who moved to the country and might be my kindred...with two daughters and a long husband she loves greatly and a beautiful life redeemed. Her heart like mine has exploded in the new love of grand-babies in her arms and she had a son named Michael just like me.
And another'll go again because the secrets inside the beautiful bones buried there will already live inside you and you wont be able to stop yourself.
Sunday, February 9, 2025 eyes... are guardians of story.
But still there is a compelling that holds me. Could it be that because I think it's beautiful that it invites me to stay? Perhaps not. But something draws me back.
And where is it exactly in the cracks and holes and peeling paint, of things old and broken and faded, do I see beauty? I'm not sure. But I do. I think it's in the stories of the lives lived there. In the scarred wood and cracked door. Sometimes it fills my curiosity with sadness so I have to let it run far and fast so I can't catch it. And then I think, "What if this door, so full of scars and cracks holds the greatest of love?"
Do I want the beginning of the song I hear on my side to be true? Authentic to the rooms behind it?
And yet, the charm of notches and knockers with ivy, the mystery and magic of peep holes, all carry a story that I want to hear.


So now, come walk with me down the Glory Road where there will be tears and laughter. Beautiful things and ugly things. soft things and hard things. But in the end, joyous beautiful redemption.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
A revelation conversation...
"Tell me something," He says after I quiet. "What do you know from this journey we are on?"
“So I'm just suppose to forget about tracing your Glory through scripture? After all the time I've given it. After all my hard work."
I stop for a moment to collect my thoughts and then, with passion I tell Him, "I'm writing again. I'm being faithful. I want to finish it!"
"The Glory Road" that I laid on your heart is not the formatted study that you write precious girl, that is just a tiny part of it. I want it to be about your journey. About who I am in you and who you are in me. It is about Us."
"Well...all right. It was way too hard anyway." I brush myself off and straighten. "All those computer programs, Bible apps, the commentaries, the research.” I sniffle. “I’m happy to be done with it.”
He takes the corner of His robe sleeve and dries my tears. “Now let me ask you something else? Was there any joy in this challenging season?"
“Your Glory.” I tell him.
"Oh...Yes, Paul. I love him so very much. Some of my deepest tears were cried for him. It might take time, but do you trust me?
Wow Lord...
But then the snow stopped and this happened. The colors haven't been this vibrant in years.
My spirit is dancing...
Only a Father who loves beyond measure can perform a miracle such as this, but my husbands life is the proof of God's redemption promise.
I weep as I write this knowing it is true. We have a Father in Heaven, a God, who takes terrible tragic things and turns them beautiful when we love him.
Wow. Redemption indeed.