Monday, February 24, 2025

Red lips and Ribbons


     You're right inside the in-between. Almost there but not quite there. You find yourself tettering the line between being an adolescent girl and wanting to become a woman. I know this because I was you.
     I watch as you feel your way along wearing red lips and ribbons. I see you breath deep and slow,  and I watch as you look back, perhaps in hesitation,  toward the place you came from. I see you stop and touch the silky ribbon in your hair. You might be thinking that you should have left it tucked in the back of your little girl drawer. But I can tell that you're not ready for that yet, and I'm glad. Please don’t be ready for that yet.
     Some run ahead of you on this line, laughing self assured, never missing a step, and you stand here covered in the wake of their dust. But then the boy runs by. The Stallion with the smile and the eyes. And when he stops, he turns his charm around and gives it all to you. All of it, and for a second you can't breath. But when you can, you take a deep breath, pop those red lips, and pull the ribbon from your hair. 
     I see you grip it in your hand, rub it with your thumb, and pause unsure. I get close enough to see you wobble on the line and I remember…
     In that moment what I really want to do is run to the line and hold you back. I want to take you back to the playground where little boys and little girls live. 
     But it’s a naïve thought and I know this because you would not stay there even if I did. I know you can't stay there, no one can stay there...and yet…I still wish you could and I'll hope it all the same. Just stay back with me for a little while longer, Please? Just a little while longer.
     But even as I think this, I see your desire to run ahead lured by the magnetic pull of that beautiful boy. You want another of his smiles. I know you do because I remember those smiles and that feeling.
   The desire to find your place in this herd of, "Children no more," is tangible. I can feel it, so  I place my hand on your arm. 
     "Can we stop for a second?" I ask?  You pause and turn to me. "I'm not sure you're ready for that?" 
     "For what?" you ask as you toss back your hair. "For the Stallion," I tell her, and tug the silky ribbon from her hand. Her breath catches, and I watch her face as it leaves her fingers.
     "Let me tie this back into your hair, okay?"
     She pauses, looks toward the direction of the boy, then at her ribbon in my hand. I watch her surrender as she lets out a long slow breath. "Okay, she says." 
     "And there will be many charming smiles ahead for you," I tell her, as I tie the bow into her hair and frame her pretty face.
     "So promise me you won't rush ahead too fast." 
     She blinks her eyes and sighs,  "Okay," she says, "I promise." 
     "And keep wearing this ribbon for a while too, all right? I can tell you're not ready to let it go." Another sigh as she nods her acceptance.
     "Will you walk with me for a little while?" I ask her. Then I nod to everything ahead of her on the line.  "That will all still be there and waiting when you're ready."
     She looks me in the eye and takes my hand in hers. "Thank you," she says.
     And so we walk.  And as I squeeze her hand, I smile.           

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