Friday, December 20, 2024

Surgery on my heart...a tough season.

     It was a week before my upcoming surgery, and I was a total mess. The pain in my right eye was preventing me from wearing my contact and my reading glasses. I was having such intense headaches that I literally couldn’t read anything for days. 
     I had also been diagnosed with one-sided deafness. I'm 84% deaf in my left ear. (This has it's own story), but over this last week, the noisy room full of children, which is usually just hard, has become raging river of echo’s and roars. Chaos inside my head. 
     These things, however, dim compared to what I want to share with you now.    
    Back in Jan. I began to taste weird things in my throat.  When I walked into certain places I could taste metals in my mouth. I could taste it in my food for days. Other times, when I was around chemicals, bleach and other cleaning agents, my neck would start to spasm, my throat would constrict, and then my head would ache for hours. 
     It all came to a head in Houston Texas at the Siesta Scripture conference. I had been memorizing Scripture with the LPM ladies and had been looking forward to going to the conference with my sister for months.
    A few hours into the teaching with Beth Moore at the First Baptist church, I was so sick that I asked my sister to take me to the Chapel and pray for me. 
     Back in Dallas on Sunday, I went forward at my sisters Gateway church for prayer. I was ushered to a precious couple in their eighties, and as I stepped forward, they each reached out to hold one of my hands.  
     I told them I was scared. That something was really wrong with me. 
     They spoke simultaneously.  “I think you're having a strong allergic reaction to something." And they prayed for me.  
     I had never even considered that, but as soon as they spoke the words, my fear fled, and I had great peace. As the day went on, God reminded me of something I had read in my Juicing book but had forgotten about. When I got home I dug out the book. There was one small section that I had highlighted. "Take it slow. I got really sick when I started this.Your organs are going to release their toxins."
I had not taken it slow.
     Come to find out, my allergic reaction to chemicals and perfumes was near anaphylactic level by the time it was treated, but that's another story. 
     But back to Huston, picture me in a very large church full of beautiful ladies that love hairspray and perfume. I am smiling now, but I that night I wasn't. That night I was scared. 
     I now believed I could at least deal with whatever was happening to me, but I was sicker than I had ever been in my life.  I had no energy. I was exhausted.  I could barely do my job and if someone looked me in the eye, I started to weep. I have never been so thankful to be in communion with women of faith. Their love and prayers simply kept me going.   
     Then the Wed. morning before my surgery came and I opened my eyes. Even before my feet hit the floor, I knew that God had done something in my body.
     Walking to the bathroom I felt light and energetic. I hadn’t felt that way in months. 
     I was able to put in my contact in. And that afternoon, the classroom noise was just loud. 
I climbed into bed that night praising God for what He had done. 
   On Fri., just two days before my cardiac ablation, I had a deep feeling that the reprieve in my allergic reactions might be just temporary, that I wasn't done with all that yet, but I also told two friends that day that I believed God was saving me from something. I felt deep down that it had to do with my upcoming heart surgery, and it did.
     That part of the story will follow, and will always be remembered as a memorial stone I planted. A memorial stone that is shaped like my heart. I am now going to dig a deep hole into the ground of remembrance and plant it.      And for me, as I go back and sit there, I sometimes hold in my hand the precious gift my friend Peggy gave me. It's a small red rock shaped like a heart. She mailed it to me before my surgery. And as I do, I will always remember the blister on my back and what God did.

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